Showing posts with label Biomass Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biomass Energy. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

What are the Renewable Energy Sources on The Earth?

Renewable Energy

What is Renewable Energy?

   Renewable Energy is the Energy Generated by Natural Processes that are Constantly Renewed. This includes Sunlight, Geothermal, Wind, Tides, Water and Various forms of Biomass. This Energy can't be Exhausted and Continuously Replenished.

Renewable Energy Sources-

  1. Solar Energy
  2. Wind Power
  3. Hydro Power or Hydro Electricity
  4. Biomass Energy
  5. Geothermal Energy
  6. Ocean Energy
  7. Hydrogen Energy
Solar Energy

What is Solar Energy?

   One of the First Renewable Energy Sources is Sunlight. That's why Life on Earth is a Booming Energy Source. About 70% of Sunlight is Reflected back in Space and we Only have 30% of Sunlight to Meet our Power Requirements. Solar Energy comes from The Sun, Which Supplies our Planet with The Energy we need to Survive. using Solar Panels, we can Harvest Energy Directly from Sunlight and Convert it into Electricity that Supplies our Homes and Businesses. Solar Power can also be Used to Produce Hot Water and Charge Battery Systems.

Wind Energy

What is Wind Energy or Wind Power?

Wind Power-
   The Wind is a Renewable Energy Source that is Clean, Free and Easily Available. Every day and all Over The World, Wind Turbines Capture Wind Energy and Turn it into Electricity. This Source of Energy Plays an Increasingly Important Role in The Way we Believe in our World.

Hydro Power

What is Hydro Power?

Hydro Power or Hydro Electricity-
   There is a Large Amount of Kinetic Energy Stored in the Water. They are available for Use when Rivers and Streams Flow into the Oceans, and The Possibilities Become Greater when They Turn into Waterfalls. Hydro-power has Become a Common Source of Electricity Production in The 21st Century.
Hydro Power uses Turbines to Help Generate Electricity, Using Fall Energy or Water Flow to Convert The Blades. Rotating Blades Rotate a Generator that Converts the Mechanical Energy of the Spinning Turbine into Electrical Energy. The Amount of Electricity Generated from Each Power Plant Depends on the Amount of Water Flowing and The Altitude from Which it Falls. Some Hydro-power Plants have What is Known as "Mass Storage". That Means at Night, When Demand for Electricity is Low, The Water is Pumped Back into The Dam So it Can be Fired again The Next Day when The Demand for Electricity is Higher.

What is Biomass Energy?

Biomass Energy-
   Biomass Energy Refers to any Energy Produced by a Recently Living Organic Matter such as Plants or Animals. Biomass is a Renewable Resource Because Plants can Reproduce Relatively Quickly and Grow with Renewable Energy from The Sun. Fuel such as Ethanol and Biodiesel also comes from Biomass. It can be Used for Transportation, Power Generation and Home Heating. Biomass Energy does not Produce any Greenhouse Gases, and Helps to Reduce Landfills and Renewable as Long as Plants, Crops and Wastes Exist. In the Same Way, Bio-Fuels are Essentially Ethanol, Which is Produced when Sugar is Fermented. 
It is an Alcohol Substance such as CNG. Application in the Transport Sector has been Found to be Cleaner. They are Usually Blended with Gasoline as a Form of Automotive Fuel.

Geothermal Energy

What is Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal Energy-
   The Earth has a Huge Energy Source within it. The Confined Heat when our Planet, Together with the Heat Generated by Radioactive Decay in Deep Rocks Beneath the Earth's Crust, Produces a Huge Amount of Geothermal Energy. Sometimes the Heat Leaks in Large Quantities at Once, which we see as Volcanic Eruptions on the Surface.
We can Capture and use Geothermal Energy Using Steam from Hot Water to Rotate Turbines. 
In the Thermal Spring System, Water is Pumped Underground. Once Heated, it Rises to the Surface in the Form of Steam and Turns a Turbine to Generate Electricity.

Ocean Energy

What is Ocean Energy?

Ocean Energy-
   The Oceans Cover more than 70% of The Earth's Surface and Therefore Provide an Interesting Source of Energy, That may Provide us with the Energy Needed to Run our Homes and Industrial Facilities Over Time. At this Moment, Ocean Energy is a Renewable Energy Source Rarely used Because there are Only a few Power Plants in the Ocean. Most of These Power Plants are Very Small, So the Energy-Rich Oceans are Negligible at the Global Level. But the Future Should Pay more Attention to this Renewable Energy Source and there Should be a Significant Increase in Energy Production. Especially with Increased Interest in the Renewable Energy Sector.
Ocean Energy can be Captured Through 3 Ways

  1. Wave Energy
  2. Tidal Energy
  3. OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion).

What is Hydrogen Energy?

Hydrogen Energy-
   Hydrogen is Clean Fuel, When Consumed in a Fuel Cell, Produces only Water. Hydrogen can be Produced from a Variety of local Resources, such as Natural Gas, Nuclear Power, Biomass and Renewable Energy such as Solar and Wind. These Qualities make it an Attractive Option for Fuel in Transportation and Power Generation Applications. It can be Used in Cars, in Homes, for Portable Power, and in Many other Applications. Hydrogen Energy is Completely Renewable, Environmentally Friendly, Leaving no Toxic Emissions and can be Produced on Demand. It takes a Lot of Energy to Extract Hydrogen from other Elements and thus Proves to be a Bit Expensive to Extract.

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